Want to know what to do? Would you like to contact us?
The EcoLaVersoix association is a team of volunteers united by our common desire to protect this important environmental and cultural heritage area.
Please join us in saving the Versoix and the surrounding Tattes-de-Bogis area.
What you can do
1. Sign and share the petition!
Help us by signing the petition to stop this landfill, and pass it on!
Please note that a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you to validate your signature on the petition.
2. Help us.
If you have ideas, communication skills, a website, legal skills and a bit of time... We need your help.
You can also join our association. The more members EcolaVersoix has, the more strenght it will carry.
Join us
3. Communicate.
Help us to make sure that the general outrage about this project is heard and shared. Let's make some noise together!
You can also use our flyer, post it in visible places, share it, etc. Flyer French-English:
4. Make a donation.
We need donations to print flyers and maintain our website, as well as for administrative and legal actions. If you would like to make a donation:
IBAN: IBAN CH42 00767 000Z 5629 5604
BCVLCH2LXXX | Clearing National:
Adresse bancaire: Banque Cantonale Vaudoise | Place St-François 14, CP 300
1002 Lausanne